Immerse Yourself in the Ultimate Business Growth Experience for Intuitive and Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Magical Creators Live is a conference + workshop + mastermind
9th November 2024 || London, Heathrow 

Committed to Success

The must attend event of the year for business owners who are ready to thrive in an ever changing world.

You will be learning from incredible speakers who will teach, and help you to implement their strategies for success. 

You will have direct access to the speakers who will be with you for the whole day and they will be putting their eyes and their brains on your business, with ideas and strategies you can implement immediately. 

By the end of the day you will leave with clarity on your next steps, your business roadmap and wonderful new connections.

Magical Creators Live 9th November 2024£0

Past attendees are sharing their experience:

This was my first experience of the Magical Creators, it really can be aligned with events like "unleash the power” Anthony Robbins because even though there is no fire walk... you still get to unleash your blockages and heal, giving you the space to progress to your next level... This is an experience not to miss, there is something for everyone in each presentation. Any event that can take you through the spectrum of emotions is all good in my books. Every success with the next Magical Creators xx

Jackie Boothe

Happy Attendee 
Jenie Ford

Happy Attendee 

When I signed up for the Magical Creators Live Workshop I really wasn’t sure what to expect but I knew it was going to be a magical day and I was right! Listening to the entire speaker’s telling their stories and seeing how far they have come was so inspiring. I can honestly say I came away feeling transformed and excited about moving forward in my business and feeling more confident to make the changes I need to make.

Debra Kilby
Happy Attendee

The Magical Creators Live was an event beyond business as usual! I felt like I’d been through a spin dryer at the end of this very magical day, in the best of ways. I came away from the event feeling I’d up-levelled energetically, as well inspired with ideas and practical tips. 

The speakers were motivating, knowledgeable, supportive and very much personal and approachable sharing ideas and tips to the audience as well as individuals. I will definitely attend Inga’s next event.

Our speakers:

Melanie Moore

is a mindset coach and she helps her clients clear the past so that they can clear the path to the manifestation of their Big Vision. Melanie has developed Transformational Neural Technique which is literally like dynamite for the brain and breaks through limiting beliefs and old stories that keep us stuck in the past and prevent us from manifesting our hearts desires.

Gosia Gorna

is an award winning transformational coach, international speaker and author of the best-selling book ‘The Expansion Game’. Her book won the 2018 best-coaching book of year. She is the creator of a pioneering and powerful method for releasing fear – The Expansion Game. This transformational tool can turn your life around by freeing you from the fear of failure, not being good enough and feeling judged. It will help you to let go of the need to hide, procrastinate and play small. Gosia has helped thousands of change-maker, to gain greater clarity and express their unique gifts with confidence. Her work demonstrates how the power of the heart, intuition and skilful handling of our fear can help us all achieve greater success, and make a bigger impact in this world.

Marina Beech

is a Tarot & Soul Reader who uses the Akashic Records, pendulum and intuition to help her clients align and live more effectively to how they've been created at Soul level. 

Marina experienced the positive impact of The Akashic Records after she witnessed her own profound healing several years ago, it was through this catalyst that she went on her own journey to discover what the Records were and how she could offer the same transformation to her clients today.

Kurly is a Master Feng Shui & Energetics Practitioner, she has not only taken ‘simple’ energy systems to mastery level, she has mastered those systems that are considered elite by the most experienced in the field such as Qi Men Da Ja and Xong Kong Da Gua. 

Through her accomplishment in Feng Shui Mastery, energetics work, business strategizing, project management and operations, Kurly now works professionally with many diverse clients including individuals, and those in the fast paced corporate & entrepreneurial environments, to help them achieve tangible results. 

She does this through practical application and tailored implementation for a diverse range of goals whether they be personal, professional or organisational. Her once secret interest which has built into her career started 23 years ago, apprenticing alongside masters to gain experience of successful applications and activations of Feng Shui, an ancient wisdom born over 5000 years ago.

Marcia O'Regan

is the Entrepreneurs Healer, Soul Guide and Voice of The Ancient Divine Feminine. Her intuition and heart-centered nurturing way helps her stand out in business and the entrepreneurial field. She empowers women by removing blocks to all forms of lack and activates women to a whole new vibration where women are enlightened to their true soul essence, mission and greater spiritual connection. 

This is THE GAME CHANGER. From this high frequency place, she helps women create a soulful business, aligned pricing and packages that draw your clients to you in a congruent, authentic and fulfilling way to ensure you make a beautiful living from your soul mission. 

She leads the way into the new paradigm of being, living and doing business in this New Aquarian Age. Her motto is ‘your rules, your way’, it’s quantum leaps all the way when Marcia is in the room!

About your host:

Inga Deksne  

Inga is a Latvian living in London, UK. She moved to London over 11 years ago, so she is familiar with how to start again from scratch in an unknown territory. 

Inga has created High Impact Happiness brand because she loves working with businesses who create huge impact in the world and she wants them to be happy while they are running their business. 

 She teaches that running your business can be easy and enjoyable when you create systems that work for your business model and your personality. 

She is a proud founder of the “Magical Creators” community and The Magical Creators Live event Inga has created a space for business owners like you to get their social media help on-demand, mastermind with like-minded entrepreneurs and take your business to a new level.

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The ticket is not refundable but it is transferable. If you won't be able to attend or transfer your ticket you will receive a complimentary 6-month membership (valued at £264).

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (£222.00)£222.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x £111.00)2x £111.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x £75.00)3x £75.00

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  • Total payment
  • 1xMagical Creators Live 9th November 2024£0

All prices in GBP